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Why Companies Should Choose Secova’s Standard Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit Process

Why Companies Should Choose Secova's Standard Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit Process Secova's Standard Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit Process is a systematic approach for companies to ensure eligibility for dependents under health plans, maintaining compliance, controlling costs, and promoting fair and equitable benefits programs. Here’s why your company should consider implementing Secova's process. 1. Cost Savings and Financial Efficiency Companies use dependent eligibility verification audits to identify ineligible dependents, reducing healthcare costs. Secova's process ensures only eligible dependents are covered, leading to cost savings and resource reinvestment. 2. Compliance and Risk Mitigation Healthcare regulations and compliance requirements are continually evolving. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines and penalties. Secova’s audit process helps companies stay compliant with federal and state regulations. By verifying the eligibility of dependents, companies can reduce the risk of regulatory penalties and demonstrate their commitment to compliance and governance. 3. Enhanced Plan Integrity and Fairness A benefits plan that includes ineligible dependents can lead to higher premiums and costs for all employees. By ensuring that only eligible dependents are covered, Secova’s audit process promotes fairness and integrity within the benefits plan. This can enhance employee trust and satisfaction, as they see their employer taking steps to manage the benefits program responsibly and equitably. 4. Streamlined Process with Minimal Disruption Secova’s Standard Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit Process is designed to be thorough yet minimally disruptive. The process includes clear communication, comprehensive documentation requirements, and user-friendly tools for employees to submit their verification documents. This streamlined approach ensures that the audit is conducted efficiently, with minimal impact on day-to-day operations and employee experience. 5. Data Security and Confidentiality Handling sensitive personal information requires a robust data security framework. Secova is committed to maintaining the highest standards of data security and confidentiality. Their process ensures that all employee and dependent information is handled securely, with strict adherence to data protection regulations. This commitment to security gives companies peace of mind that their data is in safe hands. 6. Expertise and Support Secova brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the dependent eligibility verification process. Their team of professionals is well-versed in the intricacies of benefits administration and regulatory requirements. Secova provides comprehensive support throughout the audit process, including employee communication, documentation review, and resolution of any issues that arise. This expert support helps ensure a smooth and successful audit. 7. Actionable Insights and Reporting Secova’s audit process doesn’t just stop at verification; it provides companies with detailed reports and actionable insights. These reports help companies understand the composition of their covered dependents and identify any trends or issues that may need addressing. This valuable information can be used to make informed decisions about future benefits, plan design and administration. Conclusion Secova's Standard Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit Process offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, compliance, plan integrity, and expert support. It helps companies manage their employee benefits programs effectively, ensuring only eligible dependents are covered. This process safeguards against unnecessary costs and compliance risks, while supporting a positive and equitable benefits experience for all employees. Investing in Secova's process is a significant step towards optimizing your benefits program.

11 Jul 2024
Unlocking Compliance: The Crucial Role of ACA Management

Unlocking Compliance: The Crucial Role of ACA Management In the complex landscape of employee benefits and healthcare regulations, compliance is paramount for organizations. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that employers provide affordable health insurance to eligible employees and report specific information to the IRS. Navigating these requirements can be daunting, but with Secova's ACA Management solutions, organizations can unlock compliance with ease. This blog explores the pivotal role of Secova's ACA Management in ensuring compliance, streamlining processes, and minimizing risks. Understanding ACA Compliance The ACA requires applicable large employers (ALEs) to offer health insurance to their full-time employees and their dependents. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in significant penalties. Key aspects of ACA compliance include: Offering Coverage: Employers must offer affordable health insurance that provides minimum value to at least 95% of their full-time employees and their dependents. Reporting Requirements: Employers must report information about the health insurance coverage they offer to their employees and the IRS using Forms 1094-C and 1095-C. Affordability and Minimum Value: The offered health insurance must be affordable, with employee contributions not exceeding a specified percentage of their household income, and must cover at least 60% of the total allowed cost of benefits. ACA Management: A Comprehensive Solution Secova's ACA Management solutions are designed to address these challenges and streamline the compliance process for employers. Here’s how Secova plays a crucial role in unlocking compliance: Automated Data Collection and Management The platform automates the collection and management of employee data, ensuring that accurate and up-to-date information is readily available. This automation reduces the risk of errors and minimizes the administrative burden on HR teams. Accurate Reporting Secova simplifies the reporting process by generating accurate Forms 1094-C and 1095-C based on the collected data. The platform ensures that all required information is included and correctly formatted, reducing the risk of reporting errors and associated penalties. Affordability and Minimum Value Analysis At Secova, the ACA Management solutions include tools for calculating the affordability of health insurance offerings and determining whether they meet the minimum value requirements. This analysis helps employers design compliant benefits plans that meet ACA standards. Compliance Monitoring and Updates Secova continuously monitors changes in ACA regulations and updates its platform to ensure ongoing compliance. Employers can rely on Secova to stay informed about regulatory changes and adapt their compliance strategies accordingly. Expert Support In addition to its technological solutions, Secova provides expert support to help employers navigate the complexities of ACA compliance. Secova's team of compliance experts is available to answer questions, provide guidance, and assist with any compliance-related issues. The Benefits of ACA Management By leveraging ACA Management solutions, employers can unlock several key benefits: Reduced Risk of Penalties: Accurate data management and reporting reduce the risk of compliance penalties, saving organizations significant costs. Increased Efficiency: Automation streamlines the compliance process, freeing up HR resources to focus on other strategic initiatives. Peace of Mind: Knowing that ACA compliance is managed by experts provides peace of mind and allows employers to concentrate on their core business operations. Improved Employee Satisfaction: Offering compliant and affordable health insurance benefits enhances employee satisfaction and retention. Conclusion Compliance with the Affordable Care Act is a critical responsibility for employers, but it doesn't have to be a daunting task. Secova's ACA Management solutions provide a comprehensive and efficient approach to unlocking compliance. By automating data management, ensuring accurate reporting, and offering expert support, Secova empowers organizations to navigate the complexities of ACA compliance with confidence. Embrace ACA Management and unlock the full potential of compliance, efficiency, and peace of mind for your organization

25 Jun 2024
Why Dependent Eligibility Audits Are Essential for Benefits Management

Why Dependent Eligibility Audits Are Essential for Benefits Management In the dynamic world of benefits management, companies looking to stay financially stable and competitive must maximize Return on Investment (ROI). Performing Dependent Eligibility Audits is one of many strategies that may be used, but it is also one that is frequently disregarded despite its great influence. These audits are an essential tool for making sure that only qualified dependents receive benefits, which reduces wasteful spending and increases the effectiveness of benefit schemes. Understanding Dependent Eligibility Audits A dependent's enrolment in an organization's benefits plans is thoroughly examined as part of a dependent eligibility audit. Through this procedure, the employer and benefits provider confirm each dependent's eligibility based on predetermined criteria. Typically, dependents consist of spouses, kids, and occasionally domestic partners. Finding any dependents who no longer meet the eligibility conditions outlined in the employer's benefit regulations is the main goal of these audits. These disparities could result from a number of things, such as modifications to one's employment position, marital status, or eligibility for coverage under other plans. The Significance of Dependent Eligibility Audits Cost Reduction: Mistakes in dependent eligibility can notably increase healthcare expenses for employers. Through audits, organizations can detect and eliminate ineligible dependents from their benefits schemes, consequently cutting down on unnecessary spending on premiums, claims, and administrative costs. Compliance and Risk Management: Securing adherence to regulatory mandates is vital for sidestepping penalties and legal entanglements. Dependent Eligibility Audits assist organizations in upholding compliance with pertinent laws and regulations that oversee benefits management, thus diminishing the potential for costs associated with non-compliance. Enhancing Data Precision: Dependent Eligibility Audits contribute to elevating the precision and reliability of employee benefits data. By consistently validating dependent details, organizations can uphold current records, minimizing inaccuracies and alleviating the administrative burden linked with flawed data. Elevated Employee Contentment: Streamlined benefits management positively influences employee contentment and team morale. By refining benefits schemes via Dependent Eligibility Audits, organizations exhibit their dedication to equitable and transparent benefits governance, nurturing confidence and allegiance among employees. Executing Dependent Eligibility Audits: Optimal Approaches Transparent Communication: Effective correspondence with employees is pivotal throughout the audit process. Employers should transparently convey the audit's objectives, methods, and schedules, addressing any inquiries or apprehensions raised by employees. Harnessing Technological Resources: Employing technological solutions can streamline the audit procedure, augment data precision, and facilitate efficient interaction with employees. Automated platforms and software tools can aid in managing audit workflows, monitoring progress, and generating comprehensive reports. Collaboration with Seasoned Providers: Teaming up with seasoned benefits consultants or auditing entities can furnish valuable expertise and assistance throughout the audit phase. These professionals can offer insights into industry-leading methodologies, regulatory adherence, and tactics for optimizing benefits schemes. Conclusion In conclusion, Dependent Eligibility Audits are essential for organizations aiming to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their benefits management practices. By identifying and correcting eligibility errors, organizations can realize significant cost savings, reduce compliance risks, and enhance overall employee satisfaction. Embracing Dependent Eligibility Audits as a proactive measure demonstrates a commitment to responsible benefits stewardship, ultimately contributing to the long-term success and sustainability of the organization. Secova employs Dependent Eligibility Audits to improve benefits management, employee data accuracy, and regulatory compliance. This proactive approach reduces errors, minimizes administrative burdens, and enhances employee satisfaction through advanced technology solutions.

11 Jun 2024
Fine-Tuning Absence Management: Secova’s Tailored Approach

Fine-Tuning Absence Management: Secova's Tailored Approach In today's fast-paced world of business, effectively managing employee absences is crucial for maintaining productivity and ensuring employee well-being. Secova, a leading provider of absence management solutions, understands the varied needs of companies of all sizes, scopes, and complexities. By offering tailored programs and assigning dedicated absence management coordinators, Secova empowers organizations to streamline their absence management processes while providing comprehensive support to both absent employees and HR departments. Recognizing Your Company's Needs: Secova is aware that every business is different, posing different obstacles and having different needs when it comes to handling employee absences. Secova customizes its solutions to match your unique size, scope, and complexity of absence concerns, regardless of the size of your business—whether it is a small startup or a large global firm. Secova guarantees that its solutions precisely match your company's aims and objectives by doing a comprehensive needs assessment. Tailored Plans for Optimal Results: When it comes to managing absences, one size does not fit all. Secova creates tailored programs that specifically solves the problems your business faces, going beyond generic solutions. Secova customizes its services to match your specific needs, whether you need help managing leave requests, keeping track of employee absences, or offering support to absent workers. Secova assists you in putting into practice a customized absence management plan that improves efficacy and efficiency by utilizing its knowledge and experience. Dedicated Absence Management Coordinators: Secova's team of committed absence management coordinators is the foundation of the company's strategy. For your firm, these experienced professionals are tasked with overseeing the complete absence management procedure. Your team can concentrate on other strategic priorities as Secova's coordinators handle all aspects of absence management, including managing leave requests, supporting absent workers, and communicating with your HR department. You can feel secure knowing that Secova's coordinators are taking care of your absence management requirements. Comprehensive Support for Absent Employees and HR Departments: Secova provides comprehensive support services for absent employees and HR departments, focusing on assisting with leave policies, return-to-work programs, and disability claims, ensuring all stakeholders receive the necessary support to navigate the absence management process effectively. Conclusion: Having the correct absence management partner is crucial in a world where employee absences may have a major impact on corporate operations. Secova distinguishes itself as a reliable partner in assisting businesses of different sizes, scopes, and complexity in successfully managing their absence concerns with its tailored programs, committed coordinators, and all-inclusive support services. Working together with Secova will enable you to maximize employee potential and maintain a more positive, productive, and healthy work environment.

23 May 2024
Customized Administrative Services: The Key to Efficiency and Cost Control in Employee Benefits and HR

Customized Administrative Services: The Key to Efficiency and Cost Control in Employee Benefits and HR In today's dynamic business landscape, companies are constantly seeking ways to enhance efficiency and optimize costs across all aspects of their operations. One area where this pursuit is particularly evident is in employee benefits and human resources (HR). As businesses recognize the critical role that employee satisfaction and retention play in their success, they are increasingly turning to customized administrative services to streamline processes and maximize the value of their benefits programs.  Let’s explore how companies are leveraging customized administrative services to achieve greater efficiency and cost control in employee benefits and HR. Tailored Solutions for Diverse Needs One of the primary advantages of customized administrative services is their ability to cater to the unique needs of each organization. Rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, companies can work with service providers to design solutions that align with their specific requirements, industry regulations, and employee demographics. By tailoring administrative services to address these distinct needs, companies can ensure that their benefits programs are more relevant, engaging, and cost-effective for employees. Efficiency Through Automation and Integration Another key benefit of customized administrative services is the ability to automate repetitive tasks and integrate disparate HR and benefits systems. By streamlining processes such as enrollment, payroll deductions, and compliance reporting, companies can reduce the administrative burden on HR teams and minimize the risk of errors and compliance issues. For instance, integrating benefits administration with payroll systems can ensure accuracy in deductions and eliminate the need for manual data entry, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors. Similarly, automating communication processes, such as onboarding and benefits education, can enhance employee engagement and satisfaction while freeing up HR resources to focus on more strategic initiatives. Cost Control Through Data-Driven Insights Customized administrative services also offer valuable insights into the utilization and effectiveness of employee benefits programs, enabling companies to make informed decisions that optimize costs while meeting the needs of their workforce. By leveraging data analytics tools and predictive modeling, companies can identify trends, anticipate future costs, and adjust benefit offerings accordingly. The Future of Employee Benefits and HR As businesses continue to navigate an increasingly complex and competitive talent landscape, the role of customized administrative services in driving efficiency and cost control in employee benefits and HR will only become more pronounced. By partnering with experienced service providers and leveraging innovative technologies, companies can unlock new opportunities to enhance employee satisfaction, attract top talent, and achieve their business objectives. In conclusion, Secova offers customized administrative services for companies seeking to optimize their employee benefits and HR functions. By tailoring solutions to meet the diverse needs of their workforce, Secova streamlines processes through automation and integration, and leverages data-driven insights to control costs to create more efficient, cost-effective, and employee-centric benefits programs that drive long-term success.

13 May 2024
The Human Element in HR Tech: Nurturing Personalized Employee Experiences in the Digital Age

The Evolution of HR Tech Human Resource technology has significantly transformed how the workforce is managed and engaged. The introduction of HR technology has led to increased efficiency, valuable insights and improved decision making completely changing the HR environment. Nevertheless, despite this shift, towards digitalization maintaining the touch, within HR technology remains crucial. The essence of the "human element" within HR tech has become pivotal. Striking the Balance: Technology and Personalized Experiences The challenge lies in striking the right balance between leveraging technological advancements and nurturing personalized employee experiences. Secova recognizes the significance of this equilibrium and champions a people-centric approach amidst technological innovation. The essence of personalization and its role in exceptional employee experiences are key pillars in this pursuit. Personalization: Foundation of Exceptional Employee Experiences Here, the discussion revolves around the importance of personalization in crafting tailored solutions for employees. The shift from a 'one-size-fits-all' approach to acknowledging individual skills, motivations, and career aspirations forms the core of nurturing a people-centric workplace culture. Integrating the Human Element into HR Tech At Secova, human-centric HR technology is not just a concept but a practice. This section details the practical applications that blend technology and personalized approaches to curate tailor-made solutions for onboarding, training, career development, and well-being initiatives. Communication: The Key to Human-Centric HR The art of communication in balancing HR tech and the human touch is highlighted in this section. Secova's approach focuses on utilizing digital tools for seamless communication while emphasizing face-to-face interactions, feedback sessions, and mentorship programs to foster trust, collaboration, and a sense of belonging. Evolving for the Future: Adaptability and Agility Continuous evolution remains crucial in the pursuit of balance. Secova's commitment to exploring emerging HR tech trends and consistently refining strategies to ensure they remain human-centered is discussed here. The significance of adaptability and agility in embracing new tools and methodologies is highlighted. Empowering People Through Technology The future of HR in the digital age isn't about choosing between technology or the human touch but empowering people through technology. This section emphasizes the importance of creating an environment where employees thrive and are not just beneficiaries but empowered by HR tech solutions. The Path Forward In conclusion, the synergy between technology and the human element within HR is the intersection where innovation meets empathy. Secova's commitment to upholding the human element within their HR tech solutions is emphasized, ensuring a workplace that is not just efficient but genuinely enriching for every individual within the organization.

29 Apr 2024
The Future of Employee Benefits: Secova’s Role in Redefining Employee Benefits

In today's rapidly changing business environment, organizations must continually adapt and innovate to maintain their competitive edge. An essential aspect of this adaptation is the evolution of employee benefits. Employee benefits are no longer limited to mere compensation packages; they have become a strategic tool for attracting, retaining, and engaging top talent. This article explores the future of employee benefits and the various trends and technologies that are reshaping this landscape. Personalization: Customizing Employee Benefits The days of one-size-fits-all benefits packages are long gone. Today's workforce is more diverse than ever, comprising employees of varying ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles. Forward-thinking companies are recognizing this diversity and adopting a personalized approach to employee benefits. Secova, through its advanced technology, empowers organizations to analyze employee data effectively, gaining insights into their unique needs and preferences. This data-driven approach allows HR teams to craft customized benefits packages tailored to each individual employee. For instance, a younger employee may prioritize student loan assistance, while an older employee might focus on retirement planning. Personalization not only enhances the employee experience but also nurtures a sense of loyalty and belonging. Wellness Initiatives: Prioritizing Employee Well-being Employee wellness extends beyond gym memberships and occasional health check-ups. It has evolved into a comprehensive approach that encompasses physical, mental, and financial well-being. As employees increasingly seek workplaces that prioritize their health, companies are investing in innovative wellness programs. Secova's expertise in benefits administration and wellness initiatives enables organizations to seamlessly integrate well-being into their benefits packages. Leveraging wearable devices, mobile apps, and data analytics, companies can monitor and enhance employee health. Furthermore, Secova offers virtual healthcare options and mental health resources to support employees, whether they work on-site or remotely. Financial Well-being and Retirement Planning Financial stress can significantly impact employees' job satisfaction and productivity. To address this concern, forward-looking companies are expanding their benefits offerings to include financial wellness programs and comprehensive retirement planning. Secova's cutting-edge platforms empower employees to access financial tools, retirement calculators, and retirement savings plans with ease. By providing guidance and resources for managing finances and planning for retirement, organizations can help alleviate stress and boost employee engagement. Remote Work Benefits: Adapting to the New Normal The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work, and this trend is expected to endure. As remote work becomes the norm, companies are reevaluating their benefits to cater to the unique needs of remote employees. Secova recognizes the importance of adapting to this new work environment. Our solutions enable organizations to offer remote employees virtual healthcare options, ergonomic workspace setups, and mental health resources. This ensures that remote employees receive the same level of support and benefits as their in-office counterparts. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation: Streamlining Benefits Administration The integration of AI and automation into benefits administration is revolutionizing HR processes. These technologies streamline administrative tasks, reduce overhead costs, and enhance the overall employee experience. Secova's AI-powered platforms simplify benefits enrollment, claims processing, and dependent eligibility verification. By automating these processes, organizations save time and resources while minimizing errors, ensuring efficient benefits delivery. Data Security and Privacy: Protecting Sensitive Information As technology becomes increasingly integral to benefits administration, the importance of data security and privacy cannot be overstated. Employees entrust sensitive personal information to their employers, necessitating robust data protection measures. Secova places a strong emphasis on data security and provides state-of-the-art protection measures. They also ensure compliance with data privacy regulations, instilling confidence in employees regarding the handling of their personal information. Dependent Eligibility Verification: Ensuring Fairness and Efficiency Many employee benefits extend to family members, making dependent eligibility verification essential to prevent misuse and control costs. Secova specializes in this verification, helping organizations ensure that only eligible individuals receive benefits. Through advanced technology and rigorous verification processes, Secova assists organizations in maintaining the integrity of their benefits programs. This not only conserves resources but also promotes fairness and equity among employees. The Changing Landscape of Employee Benefits In the past, employee benefits primarily consisted of healthcare plans and retirement accounts. However, the landscape of employee benefits is rapidly evolving to meet the changing needs and expectations of today's workforce. Here are some additional areas where employee benefits are transforming: Mental Health Support: Acknowledging the importance of mental health, organizations are increasingly offering benefits such as counseling services, mindfulness programs, and stress management resources. Work-Life Balance: Flexible work arrangements, unlimited paid time off, and sabbatical programs are becoming more common, allowing employees to better balance their professional and personal lives. Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: To foster a more inclusive workplace, companies are incorporating benefits that support diversity, such as diversity training, mentorship programs, and employee resource groups. Career Development: Benefits like tuition assistance, professional development opportunities, and mentorship programs are helping employees advance in their careers within their current organizations. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): These programs offer confidential support for employees facing personal challenges, including mental health issues, addiction, and family-related concerns. Navigating Regulatory Compliance Employee benefits are subject to numerous regulations and compliance requirements. Navigating this complex landscape is essential to avoid legal issues and financial penalties. Secova's compliance expertise helps organizations stay current with changing regulations. We offer assistance with compliance audits, reporting, and documentation, ensuring that companies adhere to the latest legal requirements. Conclusion In the evolving landscape of employee benefits, driven by personalization, well-being, technology, and security, Secova's extensive HR and benefits administration experience leads the way with innovative solutions. In today's talent-driven world, personalization, employee wellness, financial support, remote work, AI adoption, data security, and dependent eligibility verification are vital. Organizations fostering such a culture value and support their most crucial asset—their employees. Secova is the trusted partner ensuring organizations not only keep pace but lead in shaping employee benefits' future. With the right strategies and technology, companies create thriving environments, driving individual and organizational success. Embracing transformative employee benefits, we move towards a future where employees benefit as contributors and beneficiaries of their organizations' success.

20 Mar 2024
How to use AI-based tools to find your next job

How to use AI-based tools to find your next job The tradition of real people reading your résumé and assessing you in a face-to-face interview may be going away—at least in the early stages of the recruitment process. AI has certainly changed the hiring process. But the good news is that if you work with the new machine-based system you’ll do just as well—perhaps even better—than you would have in the traditional hiring process. First, be prepared to be pursued by a machine. Companies are using the intelligence of machines today to search for talent, and they may come after you. Employers are using the power of AI to search through millions of profiles to find candidates. AI also searches for talent among passive candidates: people who are employed, but may be open to a change. If a bot reaches out to you as a possible candidate for a job posting on LinkedIn or elsewhere, you’ll need to decide whether you want that job or not, and whether the bot would likely rate you as a top candidate. If you decide to go for that job but are rated as having only a few of the requirements, you’ll want to rewrite your online profile so that it better reflects the requirements of that posting. Before submitting your résumé, make sure all language is as concise and direct as possible. Education levels and proficiency levels based on the job requirements are usually the first things evaluated by the machine. People often outline all their skills, but the machine wants to know what skills were actually used on the job and what problems applicants have solved. The machine also picks up details. It looks for names of companies you’ve worked for, titles you’ve had, and how long you’ve been in each job. It also looks for hard numbers that show your impact. The machine analyzes your résumé for keywords and related concepts that are in the job description. If possible, incorporate the important words into your most recent job experiences. Don’t forget to give your cover letter attention too. This letter might be your first opportunity to appeal to a human being, but in many instances, you’re still dealing with a machine. Think of it as a summary of the résumé. That means including language that parallels the job description. Machine scans may also test them for optimum length, contact information, measurable results and skills. Finally, you may encounter the bot at the interview stage. While many companies provide all candidates with human interviews, some have a machine evaluate you in a one-way taped pre-interview. Once you get through the bot-driven screening process, you’ll likely deal with human beings in live interviews. Here your interpersonal skills will come into play. AI gets to work in the background, gathering and analyzing your behavior—everything from your mouse clicks to reaction speeds. It then crunches the millions of data points and creates a personal profile that includes things that don’t appear in a regular resume, such as your personality, longer-term life goals, and the type of work culture that you would flourish in. The more you reveal regarding your career ambitions and personality, the better your chances of matching with companies and roles where you’d be a good fit. You need to make sure your resume accurately reflects where you’re trying to go. When used effectively, AI can reward job seekers with a newfound sense of control. It can put the power to steer their career path into their hands. Traditional strength and personality assessments aren’t going anywhere, but they are becoming more sophisticated. To better understand whether or not a candidate is the right fit, employers are using assessments with more intelligent algorithms that can determine how you’ll perform in a specific job environment. Some address cultural fit, and some are built to measure technical skills. Chances are, you’re familiar with the ‘scenario’ type of questions in an interview that asks how you would react in certain situations. Pretty soon, you may have to show, not just describe, how you’ll handle on-the-job-scenarios. Companies that have substantial resources and that are hiring en masse are taking it a step further by using VR to build workplace scenarios. Employers are looking beyond your résumé and building a profile based on your online activity. Beyond the obvious steps of cleaning up your social profiles, think in terms of creating more content that can actually support your image. Share your thoughts with LinkedIn posts, start a blog, or create an online portfolio. Companies have resources at their disposal, but job seekers have options too.

20 Jul 2022
Being a better leader during a crisis

Being a better leader during a crisis Any leader who will successfully guide their organization through turbulent waters must design their role in the way that works best for them and their team members. This can be a tremendously liberating realization, freeing them from false expectations that there’s a right or wrong way to be a CEO, director, or senior leader—and giving them permission to lean into their superpowers. The key here is to be keenly aware of your superpowers and play disproportionately to those strengths. Surrounding yourself with trusted people to whom you can delegate responsibilities that aren’t in line with your core strengths is often priority number one. And building a high-performing team of diverse, complementary superpowers usually comes next. When you’re growing your business, you likely have a lot of goals you want to achieve and projects on your plate. A significant challenge for any leader is prioritizing the work in process to guarantee their team (and they themselves) aren’t overwhelmed. Further, if an individual or a single team is pulling in too many directions at once, they’re likely to go nowhere fast. Setting long-term and ambitious goals is important for growth, but it can seem overwhelming. Take those goals and break them down into short-term, manageable ones so that you can continue to be motivated by seeing progressive, tangible achievements. Prioritization should include a mix of fully achievable (that is, 10% or less uncertainty) and stretch (that is, 25 to 50% uncertainty) goals. Segment your priorities into three categories: financial, quality (of your products/services and the experience you are creating for your employees and clients), and strategic. By balancing short-term and long-term activities, you can guarantee continuous improvement in all key areas. Measure weekly progress, adjust timelines as needed, and monitor your overall stress and well-being. Goal achievement is both emotional and logical. Each day, assess the top five priorities that “feel” necessary to conquer. Also assess the top five priorities that make the most sense logically. They don’t always align, so it helps to have this internal dialogue daily. Solicit insight from trusted colleagues occasionally if the tension feels irreconcilable. Leaders and managers are being asked to adapt and evolve like never before. To emerge with an evolved culture, an engaged workforce, and a strong talent pipeline, leaders at all levels will need to engage their personal authenticity. A leader who is honest, creates conditions that allow their employees to be who they truly are, and provides an environment that brings some comfort. Leaders who show their real and genuine selves to others at work build stronger bonds of trust. This provides the fuel to power their teams to tackle thorny issues with transparency. Navigating times of change requires faith in others that are guiding them through unknown waters. To retain your staff and lead a WFH workforce, leaders cannot be seen as just blindly accepting the company’s rhetoric. Authentic leadership is a significant predictor of an employee’s job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and workplace happiness. Authentic leaders embrace their unique leadership style. Whether naturally extroverted and charismatic or introverted with low-key charm and grace, leaders are most successful when they own their style and build a team around them that complements it. Leaders should communicate clearly and often in times of strife. Explain in plain language the facts as you know them. Describe what decisions were made, and why, and how. Talk of your organization’s values, and your own values. Discuss what you expect to happen next, without overpromising. Explain what you don’t know yet, but hope to learn. It is not possible to bear the weight of supporting those on your team when you are not supporting yourself. A daily commitment to self-care in the form of exercise, art, mindfulness, and/or prayer can help keep you healthy and mentally fit. Make an effort to talk of the things that are weighing on you with those who are not themselves struggling. Recognize when you are beginning to suffer burnout. Leading with empathy, changing how we do what we do, how we make people feel, working together... As we reach a critical mass of allies, we create stronger and happier workplaces, companies, and industries, together. When you’re ready, take action to lead change in your work, on your team(s), and in your workplace. Transform your organization, industry, and society.

01 Jun 2022
Try this power move to beat procrastination

Try this power move to beat procrastination It’s really amazing how creative we can be when it comes to procrastination—there are so many ways we can put off doing things that we actually want to do. From making major career moves to something as simple as updating your wardrobe, there are always sticking points along the way. What hope is there for fighting procrastination as social distancing drags on? It comes down to figuring out why we procrastinate and how this common behavior fits into the current crisis environment. One reason we are procrastinating more is the number and variety of distractions in a home work environment—like homecare, childcare, other adults at home, improvised work spaces. So much procrastination stems from our projections of the future and what it might look like. But, of course, the truth is, we never really know what the future will look like. The only thing we can do is make the most educated decision in the moment with the information we have at present. It means that if you focus on some small steps that you can take immediately, you will make incremental progress that eventually adds up to big gains. A ‘now step’ is the smallest meaningful action that you can take in the face of a challenge. It reminds the brain that your behavior matters as you experience a win from completing it. A ‘now step’ can take two minutes, or 20 minutes, or two days—and they are all equally valuable. Because making the tiniest progress proves to yourself that this is a project that has meaning for you. Plus, once you complete one step, the next ones will start to fall into place. All you have to do is locate the following ‘now step’—and do it. Procrastination is an emotion-focused coping strategy. The brains of procrastinators have a larger amygdala, which is part of the limbic system known for fight or flight. The procrastinators are reacting emotionally, and the emotion-focused coping response is to escape. It’s saying, ‘I don’t want these negative emotions I’ll experience during the task,’ and so it avoids the task. When we face a task that presents boredom, frustration, or fear, the limbic system lights up, and the amygdala hijack overrides the prefrontal cortex, which is the home of executive function that includes things like impulse control, planning, and organization. The key to getting control over procrastination is emotion regulation, and one method is practising mindfulness. Use breathing and muscle relaxation exercises. Then practise non-judgmental awareness of the emotion. Acknowledge your feelings. And then look for the reasons for those emotions. Your emotions are trying to teach you something. But you don’t need to freak out. Once you find a way to get control over your emotions, it’s time to move forward. Procrastination, whether it stems from fear or boredom, is resolved with action. It’s getting yourself to do something you don’t feel like doing. Propel yourself forward by breaking down a large goal or task into individual steps. Keep it as small as possible. As humans, we have something called a “complexity bias.” It’s our tendency to make things that are simple seem way more complicated. It makes us more likely to ignore or overlook simple solutions and instead focus on the more complicated option. It’s that alarm that goes off in your head, blaring, ‘Warning: Difficult and complicated task ahead. Bail while you can.’ The good news: There’s a way to override the complexity bias and start seeing the simpler path forward. Ask yourself: What would this look like if it were easy? The ‘easy’ question, challenges us to frame a task in terms of elegance instead of strain. In doing so, we sometimes find incredible results with ease instead of stress. Sometimes, we ‘solve’ the problem by simply rewording it. It’s important to remember that a task can be simplified and still require work to get it done. The “easy” question isn’t finding the lazy way out—it’s creating a more straightforward process that we have an easier time wrapping our brains around and starting. It means still putting in the work, but feeling clear and confident regarding what that work actually entails. Research has shown us that when you make progress, even a little on a goal, it fuels your wellbeing. Even if you just take the tiniest of steps, you’ll help yourself get started and then you’re on your way. Mindfulness + action: the one-two punch that can cure procrastination.

11 May 2022
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